Living in one of the richest and diverse countries like India should be considered a privilege. While on the contrary, we should be ashamed of the society we belong in. When will individuals of our nation realise that a crime is a crime, without justification? Organising and filtering out crimes and culprits conveniently, pivoting on the cash they would be showered upon with. Clearly, the lawmakers are overlooking the fact that real crimes are being wiped away. Is this what we call justice? Definitely not.
A victim is a victim, male or female. And a culprit is a culprit, male or female. And how is gender suddenly involved in a controversy where the only question of interest and importance must be ‘Benevolent or Malevolent?’ Murder, thievery, physical and mental torture, acid attacks. When did our so-called rich country become so poor anyhow?
If a man physically assaults his wife and she wants to get a divorce, how can anyone surmise that she is silly to not bear up the torments and move on. If a girl refuses a boy to go on a date, how is it justified for him to toss on a bottle of acid into her face? How is it fair that a girl feels threatened and insecure with boys all around her; when it is not true if the situation is reversed? I do not believe that all men are the same. Men face similar scenarios and troubles too. But when they do vocalise their threats and fears, they are shamed by the people around them. It’s either questions like ‘Are you even a man?’ or bizarre comments like ‘Boys don’t cry.’ Why not? Why can’t boys cry? Why do they have to remain tough all the time? Aren’t they humans too? Don’t they have feelings? Isn’t it just equivalent to telling someone not to laugh or smile when they are happy? Do you think this is right?
If a person wears an outfit, it’s because they like wearing it. Clothing can contribute a huge part to your confidence and attitude. So shouldn’t people wear something that makes them feel confident and comfortable in, rather than in fear of the spectator’s judgement? Some people put together clothing along with culture. ‘Wearing short dresses is against our culture.’ Let me tell you, culture isn’t something collective. Culture is different to every individual. I believe that culture is a set of principles and beliefs of an individual and this varies from person to person. Why is it necessary to force someone else to abide by your culture, especially when you can’t abide by theirs?
The mindset of our major society is unknowingly jeopardizing one’s individuality. The above state of affairs applies to both men and women. They fall into spots where they are being chastised for nothing. Is this development? Definitely not.
Girls are forced to not go out alone at night because the streets are unsafe, especially at night. Now let me tell you the streets are unsafe even in broad daylight, with hundreds of people walking past. I recently came across a news piece that said a man stabbed his wife to death because she didn’t quit her job in a hospital to become a housewife and this happened in one of the busiest streets, with numerous people present. She bled and died on the spot. People took no notice of this incident and drove past them, clicking pictures and shooting videos.
Do not forget she worked in a hospital, an institution with a goal to save people’s lives each day. She worked to take care of people, people like these, cure them of their illness so they can live happily and save their lives; and yet why is it so that she has to lie in the middle of the road in a pool of blood, unattended and ignored? Even after she died, the man stabbed her as much as 25 times. Why so much anger? Because she wished to work and not become a housewife? Even so, how did he pluck up the courage to even lay his hands on her? Was it because he was her husband? No one, not a single person in this universe has a right to touch another person. My mother never failed to teach me this; she would say ‘I can only bring my finger to the tip of your nose but not touch it; not without your permission.’ She would repeat this over and over in different stages of my life, never letting me forget this. Don’t you forget this either.
What I mentioned above was only one among the zillion similar incidences that happen in our nation and around the world. Is this development? Definitely not.
We can only educate our generation and the generation to come, so as to break this chain of misogyny and brutality. Let the world remain in peace, let yourself and the people around you be in peace. Let the menace and the mess that has spread around be cleaned up. Contribute what you can, to this. Change yourself for the greater good. When you change, at least one among the lot of people you spend time with, changes. You can’t always sit and just watch what happens to the world. Can you? Definitely not.
Bring in the change so that your friend, sister, daughter or mother could walk around safe in peace, without being stabbed at, molested, attacked or murdered. Try and change the world. You can do it; only you can do your part.